What is Yoga Nidra?

man lying by sea

In Yoga Nidra we lie in Shavasana the corpse pose, we do nothing, but during this nothingness, something profound happens, we are not doing nothing, we are doing everything to support and sustain our lives through this practise. Yoga Nidra literally means Yogic Sleep. It is a guided meditative practise, we can gain comfort from lying on the floor by using cushions under the head or even a bolster under the knees. We are in a conscious awareness sleepless state, the idea is that we don’t fall asleep but this sometimes may happen, especially if you are tired. If it is difficult to get onto the floor, it can be practised whilst seated on a chair. If you are pregnant, it is advisable to lie on your side with a cushion under the head and another cushion between the knees, or hugging a bolster.

During this practise of Yoga Nidra, we are in a state of deep healing, in this state we are away from our intrusive thoughts or ideas that take us away from the present moment. We rest deeply in a state called Pratyahara, otherwise known as sense withdrawal. We go inwards and focus on the present moment such as sensations of the body or particular images.

There are around eight to ten stages in Yoga Nidra, so it is always best practised either in a live class or on an app or Youtube. The good news is that I have studied Yoga Nidra with Laurent Yoga and now offer it in my classes, so if you are interested, please contact me for further information Contact – Free the Spirit Yoga I also do an online class.

Yoga Nidra is very effective for increasing quality of life and supporting pain management, it is also very effective for reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress and it helps us to find a balance in our lives. It helps to reduce intrusive thought patterns and increases self-esteem and confidence. It improves cognitive performance and enhances memory and Improves sleep patterns.


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